Friday, April 23, 2010

A Late 9 Month Check-up

For those who know me well, it's no surprise to hear that work has taken over my once semi-peaceful and happy life.  I have barely been home in the last few weeks and the in order to prove my insane buzy-ness  (aside from my faltering friendships and sleepless nights) I will admit that I FORGOT to schedule a 9 month check up for Daniel.  I'm a new mom - check-ups have been what I look forward to in order to find out that my son is developing correctly and weighs what he's supposed to weigh.  So, while I was in San Francisco last week, I quickly made the appointment for today.

Weight: 20lbs, 12 oz; 55th percentile (so there to everyone on the street who says he's "so huge!)
Length: 30.5" (not really, we know the nurse messed up); 95th percentile (ha!  I'm 5'4"; Matt is 5'8")
Head circumference: 45 3/4"; 70th percentile

He also spent a great deal of time crawling around the office while we waiting (and as much as I love our pediatrician, he made some lame remark about how if Daniel gets sick it wasn't him letting him crawl all over the floor.  I mean, what else can I do with an antsy 9 month old while we wait for YOU for 15 minutes?!) and flirting with the nurses.... naked.

Oh, he also officially started "cruising".  I'll get in on video asap.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I Think I Felt a Tooth!

Let's record today as the day that I THINK I felt Daniel's very first tooth breaking through.

I kind of screamed in excitement which kind of scared Matt and even though I couldn't see anything (Daniel isn't too keen on opening up and saying "ahhhh"),  I know I felt that tooth!  Also,  Daniel cried in pain (sad) when I touched it.

I can't believe this little guy is getting a tooth.  Everyone tells me that his smile will change when he gets teeth.  Thinking of that kind of makes me want to cry.  I don't want his smile to change!  Also, it's close to impossible to get a smile on camera, so I am now trying to cement his smile into my brain so I can remember it forever.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

9 Months

Dear Daniel,
You are 9 months old today.  Isn't 9 months the age that I always thought about babies being full of personality and cuteness before I was your mom?  Newborn, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months.  Those are the biggies before you turn a year, right? (not sure what's up with the "big" months being all 3 months increments).

Well, Daddy and I have been saying on a daily basis that we are amazed by what you are up to lately.  I know everyone thinks their kid is the greatest in all ways, but you are truly making us stop and wonder if actually are the greatest!

Here's what you've been up to over the last month:
Waving (this happened upon his return from a long weekend at the beach while we were shooting the HGTV show)
Talking up a STORM
Dancing (rocking back and forth when music comes on)
Finding a funny noise and repeating it (specifically the sound of a Pterodactyl)
Trying to "cruise" once you've pulled yourself up to standing
Crawling super fast
Banging anything you can get your hands on together
Trying to figure out how things go inside other things (thanks to Sara for this gift)
Throwing your pacifiers (yes, plural) out of his crib and then crying to get us to come into your room
Sharing (probably the cutest of all of your new skills)

The days of your first year are literally starting to tick by and I can see you growing every single day.  You make us laugh, you exhaust us, you amaze us.  You are so ridiculously determined and you really never give up on anything once you start.

Happy 9 month birthday, my love.  You make me laugh out loud and love more than I thought possible.  I kind of want to sneak into your room and snuggle with you right now! 

Luckily your Aunt Andi could be here to celebrate (and babysit) for your bi 9 monther!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We Survived

Show is over.  We barely survived.  Part of me can't decide if it was worth it... but, we did end up with an amazingly beautiful new room, so I'm just being dramatic when I say that I can't decide.

Over the course of 3 days, I got about 6-8 hours of sleep IN TOTAL.

The unfortunate news is that I can't really blog about it until I get approval from the show or else they can sue me.  So real details will have to wait until I have "clearance".

HOWEVER, the day after the shoot I spent the morning with my Hoboken girlfriends and Daniel's besties (the same babies that we met when we started the Mommy Support Group).  Here are some fabulous pics:

Daniel's very first bagel & cream cheese.  He went nuts over it.

Daniel & Ryan... apparently they are both Mets fans but I really don't even know where Daniel's hat came from (he's a Braves fan)

All the kiddies from left to right:  Oliver, Ryan, Jacob, Noah, Daniel, Abby & Ryder (we were only missing Wyatt)

A perfect way to recuperate from the shoot.  Love me some playdates!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Thanking the Rivos

One devoted reader pointed out that I have YET to thank the couple responsible for all of our recent goodness in terms of real estate and tv stardom:  Phil & Iris Rivo.

Phil and Iris Rivo not only help guide us in our marital and parenthood way, but Phil is pretty much responsible for our new house (being our real estate agent) and they were already down the path of the TV show (more to come on that later) and invited us along.  What more can I say?  Pretty amazing, right?  Also, I'm hoping their kids (Sammy & Lilly) babysit for Daniel one day.

On top of all of that,  my favorite piece of art that hangs over Daniel's crib is by Iris - who is an incredible artist.

SO - this is my official (and belated) THANKS for everything the Rivo family does for us!